Category: Uncategorized

Smash JT’s ‘Kotaku Detected’ Website Returns After Coordinated Takedown Attempt By Mainstream Video Game Press

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SmashJT’s “Kotaku Detected” website has made a return after a coordinated takedown attempt by mainstream video game press.

The debacle unfolded over almost the entirety of May, between Jeff Tarzia (games industry recruiter turned journalist and YouTuber “Smash JT”), and Alyssa Mercante (Kotaku Senior Editor).

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REVEALED: Jeffrey Epstein Met With Current Biden CIA Director, Obama White House Attorney After Sex Crimes Conviction

A private calendar belonging to notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein shows a list of scheduled meetings with high-profile clients that include the current director of the CIA, an Obama administration attorney, and a college president, according to newly-released documents obtained by Wall Street Journal.

Other high-profile names that were revealed in the report include Harvard University professor Martin Nowak, Ariane de Rothschild, CEO of the Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild Group, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, anthropologist Helen Fisher, and Joshua Cooper Ramo, former Starbucks and FedEx board member.

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Newt Gingrich: “I Think Republicans Better Pay Significant Attention to Michelle Obama”

Former Speaker New Gingrich joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures [Sunday] morning. Newt suggested that Susan Rice left the flailing and corrupt Biden regime to get ready for Michelle Obama’s run for president in 2024.

“I think at a minimum, it probably is a sign that she said, don’t do it, and he said, I’m doing it anyway. And I think she just didn’t want to be part of a Biden reelection. And I also think that I was very struck when Mark Halperin, in his wide world of news, ran the video of Michelle Obama on stage with Bruce Springsteen. She’s playing a tambourine. She recently had 9000 people at an event with Oprah in Los Angeles…”

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The Institutional Pathology That Took Down James O’Keefe

From the outside, it seems crazy. James O’Keefe as head of Project Veritas took the organization to new heights of fame and achievement of its core mission. His cage match with a Pfizer director—which took incredible guts—made for some of the most remarkable real-life footage in years.

Alas, James has been pushed to resign as head of the organization. How is this possible? It seems utterly crazy.

Without knowing any of the details in the complaint against him, this episode has all the earmarks of a terrible institutional problem in nonprofits we’ve seen many times before. All it takes is a remarkable public-relations success, and a big infusion of funds, plus a weak, jealous, and confused board using disgruntled employees as shields for their misdeeds.

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Five Years In, Opportunity Zones Are Boosting Communities

When the Opportunity Zone tax incentive was signed into law under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, critics were quick to label it “just another tax cut for the rich.” But on the fifth anniversary of its passage, a different picture has emerged: instead of concentrating benefits on the rich, opportunity zones are attracting investments into low-income communities across the nation.

For the last five years, the Opportunity Zone tax incentive has uplifted communities and brought forth job opportunities, business growth, and economic expansion. While initially the subject of scrutiny, the result of Opportunity Zones has been one of empowerment for otherwise struggling communities and should receive a chance to continue.

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I'm Nate Houstman

I'm a blogger, podcaster, and web design and business consultant. Economic freedom is my mission, so I talk about money, entrepreneurship, and I expose the corruption in the financial system.

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