Original Article By Joe Hoft At TheGatewayPundit.com

Tina Peters, who was mercilessly attacked by the Soros-backed Colorado Secretary of State and the state media, recently released a report on the hard drives of the Dominion voting machines used in the Colorado 2020 Election.  This report had several findings.

Tina Peters is the Election Clerk from Mesa County Colorado who backed up the voting machines in her county when the corrupt Secretary of State Jena Griswold demanded that all voting machines be altered in a manner that erased election data (which is against the law) after the 2020 election.  Ms. Peters was attacked for her actions.  The FBI raided her home instead of investigating her claims.

Recently in early February Peters was interrupted at a local restaurant by police and arrested on some garbage charges.  What are the chances that Peters is being harassed and attacked because she knew too much?

Ms. Peters recently sent a report to the state of Colorado with the results from an investigation into the Dominion voting machines used in her state in the 2020 Election.  The report is damning.  It shows that the county’s voting machines were illegally certified and illegally configured in the 2020 Election.  The report lists a number of significant issues in the executive summary of the report.

Here is the full report from Tina Peters.

Mesa County Forensic Report No. 2 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

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